If you use your credit cards responsibly, you might be better off paying with a credit card than with a debit card.
If you’re an applicant with good credit, you can issue a credit card that offers signup bonuses worth anywhere from $50 to $250.
You can also benefit from rewards. Usually card rewards work with a point system. When you earn enough points, you can redeem your points for gift cards etc.
Frequent-Flyer Miles can be one of the most valuable rewards and there are often enough to put you 50-100% of the way toward a free flight within a month or two.
Paying with a credit card is safer and you can easily avoid losses from fraud. When your credit card is used by someone else, you notify your credit card company and you don’t need to pay for the transactions you didn’t make.
Read More Here: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/10/credit-card-debit-card.asp